Adam has recently produced an award winning short film “The Wrong Man” - an action thriller based on a true story. He adapts over twenty years experience in civil design management within consulting engineering to Film Producing that provides Adam the experience and crucial skills required for a successful career in this industry.
Creativity and business combined, working both sides of the brain and driving projects from Ideas to Exhibition through purposeful collaborations is what excites Adam about film producing. In addition to providing creative input into the productions he highly enjoys taking responsibility for the legal, financial, and contractual elements of the productions.
Project management; Chain of Title; Scheduling; Budgets; Finance Plans, Resource Management; Team leadership; Client relations; Development/Pitch documents; Acting; Martial Arts; Fight Choreography; Screenwriting (short form).
Producer; Production Manager; Location Manager
AFTRS / Intro to Producing
AFTRS / Budgeting Fundamentals
AFTRS / SPA / Screen Business Essentials
Tafe QLD / CN940 Diploma of Engineering (Civil)